perm filename BLED.2[NOT,DBL] blob sn#208290 filedate 1976-03-30 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
.LTR(Professor W. W. Bledsoe)
Mathematics Department
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas

Dear Woody,

Today I  was  offered  an  assistant  professorship  at
Carnegie, and I verbally accepted  that offer. I hope that you
will agree with my decision.

The  position has most  of the  advantages which Austin  offers: I will
work closely with brilliant people, and
have complete freedom of research. 

In addition, I will bear only
a very light teaching load
(probably %2no%* courses my first semester),
and will be paid quite well.
The idea of not requiring first-year assistant professors to teach
during their first semester seems a particularly sensible policy, since
the canonical asst. prof. "trap" seems to be not getting any research done for
at least six months. 

Also, Pittsburgh is  closer to the MIT and BBN AI communities.
The only drawback seems to be that I won't be able to work directly with
I hope my decision doesn't prevent our frequent meetings and exchanges of ideas.

Thanks again for the warm hospitality that you and your students showed me
during my visit to Austin.

